A glimpse into our recent activities
Bluebird Beach Bungalows: This organization is owned by resident Stephen Todd and produces bluebird house from reclaimed wood. 100% of the profits go directly to local charities, totalling over $84K to date. The list is tremendous and constantly growing.
Vanguard Landing
Down Syndrome Association
Triple R/Chosen camp
The Chosen Ministry
Back to School Drive WAVY Operation School Supplies
The Honor Network
VB Strong
Toys for Tots
Alzheimer’s Association
Leukemia Lymphoma Society
St. Baldricks
Island Dolphin Care
Chesapeake Bay Academy
Azalea Garden Baptist Church
Louder than Words auction
Special Olympics SO Fit
Special Olympics Tennis
99 for the 1
St Mary’s Home
CHKD oncology
Kennedy Angel Gowns Angel Ball
Bereaved Families CHKD
St. Francis Service Dogs Graceful Giving
Service Dogs of VA
CHKD Mended Little Hearts
VB Tide Swimming
Team Hoyt
Surfers Healing
Cox High School Intellectual Disabilities Leadership Workshop
Lynnhaven River Now
Hearts and Hoofbeats
Angels Among Us Catholic Charities
Ability Center
Ability Center Ball
Butts Road Elementary
Virginia Beach Tragedy Fund
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Arts Inclusion Company
Bra Ha Ha
Challenger Baseball
Sugar Plum Bakery
Down Syndrome Meet Up
Green Run Community Garden
The Hitching Post Education Center
Edmarc Hospice for Children
Untamed Spirit Equine Therapy
AIC auction
Pediatric Oncology
PANDAs Fight Against Cancer
VA Assoc for Environmental Education
Equi-Kids Therapeutic Riding
Vocal Inclusion
Disability Summer Camps /Scholarships
National MS Assoc
American Heart Assoc
Next Chapter Book Club
American Cancer Society
Mended Little Hearts of Coastal VA
Angel Flight
Episcopal Homes of VA
Ainsleys Angels
Faith Inclusion Network
Do Good Day
Beach Bags
St Francis Service Dogs
Ronald McDonald House
Todd Rosenlieb MIXMO Dance
River Ellis Foundation
Lynnhaven River NOW
Tim Tebow Night to Shine
Juvenile Diabetes Assoc
Roc Solid
Spectrum Parents
Compassion for Canines
Care 4Frontline
Aid Another
Humane Society
Samaritan House
ICAN2 job training
Pantry Box Project
Sam’s Warriors
Mayflower Marathon
And so many special auctions and go fund me accounts that we’ve lost track!!!!!
Polar Plunge: Baylake has an active Special Needs community and one of the main annual events is the Special Olympics Polar Plunge. A few teams attend the formal event and Team Baylake Pines plunges in the bay.
Judeo Christian Outreach Center: Throughout the year, neighbors can drop food and personal effects donations in a bin at 4016 Rampart Ave to be delivered to the JCOC. In addition, residents make Lasagna dinner each month to feed the clients of the JCOC.