Membership Benefits
Joining the Baylake Pines Civic League provides members with numerous personal and community benefits. Dues-paying members know they have done their part to help sustain our unique community. When you pay your dues, you receive a neighborhood directory, Baylake Pines car decals, and access to exclusive member events, participation in community decision-making, and a platform to voice concerns and suggestions. Members are entitled to vote on key issues affecting the community, giving them a direct influence on the neighborhood’s future direction.
Maintaining an active civic league benefits all of us. The dues cover annual expenses including taxes, insurance, maintenance, and improvements on our community-owned property. It also helps us financially support community events, communications within the community and educational opportunities for our residents. Members are entitled to vote on key issues affecting the community, giving them a direct influence on the neighborhood’s future direction.
Your civic league works hard to make things happen! The Baylake Civic League:
- Creates and distributes the neighborhood newsletter, “The Gazette” and maintains an email account, a website, and a Facebook page.
- Acts as our advocate on zoning, development, and political issues impacting our community.
- Coordinates a fantastic Independence Day Fireworks display and other neighborhood events.
- Organizes an annual Oyster Roast fundraiser for our fireworks.
- Preserves and improves our neighborhood walkway
- Maintains beautiful entrances and landscaping
- Helps support a family-friendly beach and assists in keeping parking space available for residents and guests.
- Does all it can to keep our neighborhood a unique and wonderful place to live for generations to come!
Those who rent homes in Baylake Pines are a vital part of our community and are welcomed and encouraged to join the civic league!
Dues Information
The annual membership dues for the Baylake Pines Civic League are $25, which support league activities, maintenance, improvements, taxes, insurance of community areas, and administrative costs as well as lots of fun community gatherings!
Members can pay dues online through our secure portal or by mailing a check to the league’s treasurer. Detailed payment instructions are available on the website.